Other categories
This category includes refrigerated pizzas, pre-cooked meals, fresh meat, and ready-to-drink coffees. It also includes other products such as fish, hamburgers, canned food, and other dry products, part of our Foodservice branch.

Dry Meats
Sigma produces and sells dry-cured hams, dry sausages, salami, and dry meat snacks, among other products. Our brands are widely known among consumers since we focus on satisfying the needs of each segment of the selected market.

Dairy products
Sigma participates in the dairy category with branded products such as cheese, yogurt, cream, and butter.

Cooked Meats
Sigma produces and sells cooked hams, sausages, bologna, and bacon, among other products. Our brands are widely known among consumers since we focus on satisfying the needs of each segment of the selected market. Some brands have more than 70 years of tradition.